Our Mission
Our mission is to glorify God by displaying the gospel through joyful community, joyful character, and joyful conversations.
Joyful Community
The church gathered is a powerful force. Those who have been redeemed by God through his Son Jesus have reason to rejoice and to express that joy in community.
A joyful community exalts the gospel in song and in word.
Our Sunday morning services are centered around what God has done for us through his Son Jesus. In song, we focus on the character of God and lift up the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. In word, we hear God’s revelation of redemption through the preaching of Scripture.
A joyful community exemplifies the gospel in relationships.
The gospel is not only heard in song and word, but it is also seen in how we relate with one another. As those who have been shown grace, love, and forgiveness we in turn show grace, love, and forgiveness towards one another.
Joyful Character
God by his Spirit is forming his people into the image of his Son. As a church we are involved in this process of spiritual growth through discipleship. A joyful character is the outcome of discipleship.
A joyful character reflects the gospel in thought and deed.
Character is our attitude and actions that are evident to others. Attitude and actions change only as our thinking changes. So, our discipleship groups focus on teaching God’s Word (changing our thoughts) that leads to applying God’s Word to our lives (changing our attitude and actions).
Joyful Conversations
The gospel message is too good to keep to ourselves. God has commissioned his people to go to all people and nations and share the saving message of his Son Jesus.
Joyful conversations proclaim the gospel out of delight in the gospel.
The more we realize what God has done for us in the gospel, the more we will rejoice in the gospel. And the more we rejoice in the gospel, the more we will go and share the gospel with others.